Medicinal Cannabis
Ready to see your investment grow?
Medicinal cannabis is a rapidly-growing multi-billion dollar global industry. And Barbados is the ideal place for investment. There are opportunities for local and foreign investors in research, cultivation, manufacturing, export, quality-control and more.
The government of Barbados passed the Medicinal Cannabis Industry Act, 2019 and established the Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Authority (BMCLA), so our sound regulatory standards are ready to support the industry. And to encourage investment, there are reductions and exemptions on import duties and VAT for qualifying companies.
If you’re interested in investing in the Barbados medicinal cannabis sector, the first step is to apply for a licence from the BMCLA.
Why choose Barbados for medicinal cannabis?
- Unique strain due to distinct soil types and environmental conditions
- Sound regulatory standards and capacity for Research & Development – extensive research ongoing
- Reduction or exemption of import duties and VAT on inputs
- Built out support and locally derived value chains from seed to sale
- Well educated workforce to employ