Profile of Barbados

General Information

Size: 166 sq. miles/430 sq. km.

Capital: Bridgetown

Government: Parliamentary Republic

Language: English

Time Zone: GMT – 4 hours

Population: 267,800 (2022)

Workforce: 136,300 (2022)

Literacy Rate: 99.6%

Climate: Air Temperature 22-30°C/70-90°F

Relative Humidity: 60-70%

Currency: Barbados Dollars (BDS$) BDS$ 2.00 – US$ 1.00

Major Trading Partners: CARICOM, USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Japan

Key Economic Indicators 2022

Gross Domestic Product: US$5.69

GDP per capita: US$18,150 (P)

Unemployment Rate: 8.4%

Average Inflation: 9.1%

“We know what we bring to the table. The time has come for us to grow beyond the traditional call center model and welcome other BPO partnerships that have the potential to transform lives and add great value.”

– The Hon. Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados